Phil's Mother

New Paltz

Pumpkin Patch at New Paltz

Pumpkin Field at New Paltz

Written by Paul Strausman —
Phil's first roommate at New Paltz College

I think I'll always remember the way our mothers were
that day
so long ago.
Yours, as blustery as the day
trying to control forces she no longer
had power over,
and mine,
sunny and warm,
with an ease I know she no longer felt
For them, the moment was charged with significance
but we,
we just wanted to get on with our lives.
We thought they'd never leave.

As we unpacked out toothbrushes,
underwear and guitars,
our mothers hovering and bustling
about us like jealous lovers,
somehow we knew without speaking
we would be friends.
As so we've remained all these years.
Little did we know,
that when out mothers finally left
that day.
they'd lost their little boys

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To listen to a musical collaboration between Phil and Paul, try "The Will, The Wisp and The Wasp" in the music section.

Waterfall at New Paltz
High Falls at New Paltz